Etioopia uraga 566

Ethiopia Uraga

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farm: Uraga
variety: heirloom
process: washed
altitude: 2250 - 2300 masl
region: Uraga, Guji
harvest: November - Janurary

Fresh black tea with mellow dried orange flavors. Mild balanced acidity and sweetness.

Uraga, a woreda in the Guji zone of Ethiopia, is notable for its coffee production, which is carried out on very small farms averaging less than half a hectare each. These farms also grow crops like corn, barley, beans, and wheat. Coffee from this region can be either Washed or Natural, processed at the Uraga washing station.

The washing stations cater to several hundred producers who deliver cherries throughout the harvest season. This communal processing results in blending cherries from various producers into day lots, complicating traceability to individual farmers. Despite this, efforts are made to source coffee from the same washing stations each year to maintain consistency. Additionally, due to limited access, most farmers in this region do not use fertilizers or pesticides in their coffee production. Fresh black tea with mellow dried orange flavors. Mild balanced acidity and sweetness.

In Ethiopia, coffee is predominantly grown on small plots by farmers who cultivate various other crops. The coffee cherries are delivered to nearby washing stations or central processing units. Here, the coffee is sorted, weighed, and the farmers are compensated or given receipts. The processing, which can be washed or natural, is carried out by the washing station, and the coffee is then dried on raised beds.

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